After a bit of therapy and 5 pages of a more detailed, updated statement to police, it's good, at least, to have a much clearer understanding of what happened to me (and obviously many others) at the hands / under the "care" of De la Salle abusers. I make no apology for deliberately linking the word 'abusers' to their schools link there because they continue to abuse us by not coming out with a clear, very public statement on their past criminality. Until that happens, I owe it to myself and others to ignore their happy, shiny image projecting and show the world that NOTHING HAS CHANGED while they continue to try the patience of survivors.
I am a pretty patient guy but the older I get, the thinner it wears. All they have to do is engage. Why not put a page up on their web site about what they're doing to deal with the sins of the past? Pro tip: it makes you look authentic. Only an idiot is fooled by a flawless image.
Meanwhile, so much new information comes to light recently, I am having to process plenty.
I go running to try and process stuff. Also to exorcise the demons that plague my body, my nights and my tired waking hours. I run, not only to try and shore up my mental health, but as a kind of prayer for all those who've either died without any justice or are so broken by the dreadful Catholic Church, they can't get anywhere. But even running itself can be quite triggering as that was the one thing I adored at St Joseph's before I was forced to give it up to avoid contact with _.
Now I can smell jam! I've just realised I'm slightly triggered by raspberry jam too! Jam sandwiches were generally what was on offer in the canteen on the evenings I stayed behind at school to train. I've some memory of running for St Joseph's at Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer scale of an inter-schools event, not being sure which races I was in or which point to go to in its vast sports fields, crowded with competitors I'd never seen before, some looking like giants I was to run against. I believe _ was there too, pretending to be a teacher, chivvying and not exactly helping me prepare. When it dawned on me that any success on the track was being held up as St Joseph's own triumph, I quit. I wasn't giving anyone that satisfaction, least of all Mr _.
It's beginning to feel as though my reluctance to name _ is at breaking point. I've only got so many years left and I don't have any particular reason to withhold his name except to allow police to do their thing, which I think they have now. I'll hang on a little while longer in case anyone else does come forward.
Soon I will shout it from the rooftops. It's my call, luckily!