Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Update. Aug 2022

With the current revelations from former pupils at private schools coming out pretty much every day, it seems, today seems as good a day as any to learn that a lawyer is now asking for any information from anyone who was at St Joseph's, Ipswich, particularly during the 1960s.
For what it's worth, I am generally a forward looking and positive thinking fella but there are days when despite my best efforts, the unresolved aspects of the past refuse to be ignored. The current climate of disclosures never before spoken of can be quite disconcerting when you're just trying to get on with living your best possible life.  Nicky Campbell's recent disclosure https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62308621
has been yet another reminder that "that’s just how things were back then" never was and still isn't an acceptable answer to the thousands of us who've spent decades just trying to establish some kind of "normal" so never let it be forgotten that quite a few have died before their time just trying. 

So De La Salle and the Catholic Church could make all this a hell of a lot easier for survivors if they would choose to accept they actually did bugger up many lives. Will they though? Because I, for one, am going to be ditching my anonymity soon and telling what I know. I'm only staying anonymous to protect one other who's not yet in a good enough space to tell his story.

I've just been contacted by another ex pupil from the late 90s who tells of dark and unpleasant goings on at St Joseph's even 30 plus years after I left.  So, De La Salle, what information have you been keeping secret to save your arses and assets? 

Once again, not tomorrow  but NOW, TODAY is the time. Get in touch with the guy representing us St Joseph's survivors. Stop hiding behind your masonic, Lasallian or whatever oaths and step into the light. 

Do it! You owe us.

Running Towards Adversity.

After a bit of therapy and 5 pages of a more detailed,  updated statement to police, it's good, at least, to have a much clearer underst...