Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Memories, like the colours of my scarf.

"You're not allowed to remember this 'til you're really old"

And lo, he became "old".  And bold.  The title of this blog is what I think I told myself immediately after the attack at St Joseph's.

Since my last blog, I think, maybe before, there has been some meaningless, vague "apology" put out by De La Salle on their web site, presumably aimed at anyone who happened to be visiting their web site to check for an apology (i.e. nobody). Recently De la Salle in Northern Ireland are among several Catholic institutions to offer an apology to survivors ... because they could no longer deny there was a problem.  It looks as though they're sorry they got caught. 

If there was any genuine contrition, the Catholic church would be bending over backwards to help survivors come to terms with abuses the church and its agents are responsible for. It would demonstrate  genuine intention towards bringing closure to this whole sickening saga.  I see no evidence of this. The RC church could open their records for public scrutiny and submit themselves to the laws of each land (make no mistake, this is a global issue) instead of arrogantly thinking Canon Law is what God's people want or need.  

When you've done something wrong, the correct course of action is to do whatever it takes to try and put it right.  I know this. Catholic teaching, see.  Why then, such hypocrisy from the Pope downwards?  I'm not anti-catholic, just anti corruption.   If you're standing in the way of justice or are party to its denial, you need to read your bible bro/sis; there's a message for you in there, stop ignoring it.

Running Towards Adversity.

After a bit of therapy and 5 pages of a more detailed,  updated statement to police, it's good, at least, to have a much clearer underst...